If interested in our special Kids Ministry events, check out Victor Kids on Facebook:

Sunday Mornings
Kids Church is available most Sunday mornings during all worship services. On Sundays we use 3 classrooms:
Nursery Program: for infants under 2 years old – offered during first service (9:00am) only.
Early Childhood: for 2–5-year-olds during both services.
Elementary: for grades K-5 during both services.

Sunday mornings always start by offering kids of all ages the opportunity for free play with other kids their age before the worship service. Kids are then invited to join in musical worship, fun learning activities, interactive Bible lessons, and prayer in small groups. If we accomplish all of that before the adults are done, it’s back to free play with friends until parents arrive!

Parents check kids in at the tablets in the VCC Lobby, and then deliver kids to the appropriate room by age.

Wednesdays – 6:30-8pm
Victor Kids Club is where Kids in grades K-5 can come together, make friends, play games, and learn God’s Word through interactive play, experiments, creative storytelling, and more!

Kids Club meets most Wednesdays from 6:30-8pmSeptember through May. Please check the VCC Calendar page for updates.