Acts 1:8 gives us the framework to bring the gospel and help our “Jerusalem” (locally), our “Judea and Samaria” (regionally); and “the ends of the earth” (globally). With that in mind, these are the organizations we have partnered with in that common mission of sharing the gospel:
Adult & Teen Challenge – Rochester
Life Transformation
Rochester Adult & Teen Challenge is a faith-based solution for the drug epidemic. One of the major differences between traditional recovery programs and our center is our emphasis on Christian values and cultivating a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is this central, spiritual dynamic upon which all aspects of the Adult & Teen Challenge programs are built.
Discipleship & Evangelism
This is a residential, discipleship program. Our program encompasses every aspect of life. It offers non-medical methods, such as: moral guidance, counseling, and biblical principles to freedom from life-controlling issues. Through our Bible-based curriculum, students learn how to apply God’s Word to their lives. They also learn to recognize the Holy Spirit’s work in their lives, invite God to help them overcome their life-controlling issues, and become more like Christ.
Long-Term Residential Program
Our Rochester facility provides 12 months of care and support. The benefits of our long-term residential, discipleship program are many. The students enter a loving, supportive, Christian community and are mentored by others who have walked the same path to freedom. They are given the opportunity to cultivate the life practice of personal prayer, daily devotions and so much more.
To learn more, visit: https://www.rochesteratc.org/
Alliance Academy International – Rick and Rebekah Estes
AAI is an international, private Christian school located in Quito, Ecuador. The students who attend this school represent over 30 nations.
Rick was born in and grew up in Ecuador as a missionary kid. He became an English teacher and a missionary himself. Rebekah grew up in the U.S.A and also became a teacher and missionary. They met in college and married in 2008.
In 2017, Rick and Rebekah returned to Ecuador and adopted their daughter, Nicole. Rick is the Director of AAI’s English Institute where he teaches, tutors and shares his faith in Christ to both adult learners and children. Rebekah is a faculty member in the elementary division assisting her students develop a passion for Christ through music and the preforming arts. Both Rick and Rebekah are involved in running a summer camp for AAI students.
Their ‘house church’ is a place for renewal and joy. It reaches those who are not comfortable with traditional churches.
Prayer needs:
– For God’s faithfulness in supplying their financial needs.
– For health concerns that both Rebekah and Nicole are facing.
– For safety and protection from the violence in Ecuador.
You can keep up with Rick and Rebekah at, https://www.facebook.com/RickandRebekahAbroad
Here’s the link to sign up for their newsletter to follow the Estes family and ministry: –https://mailchi.mp/e348401957d4/untitled-page?fbclid=IwAR18H4Co31l_w2gfD-CPiFG4OKGEZ79weV1Ktwz-KKEkhu2mnTS3QyEYQbc
Bethel Express – Mike & Julia Peace
Mike and Julia Peace lead Bethel Express of America, Inc. “We are dedicated to pouring into the lives of children through the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to continually equip our kids with the necessary skills to live a spiritually complete and socially sound life, while shedding the victim mentalities that can pervade the inner city.”
They believe that every child has the potential to become a productive citizen, and a champion in society through what they call “The ‘S’ Factor” which focuses on Spiritual Strength, Social Stability & Scholastic Success of B.E. kids.
Although kids who can read can enter the program at age seven, most stay on with Bethel Express through high school and beyond. Bethel Express has a 100% high school graduation rate for their kids.
Every Saturday Morning, B.E. kids get…
• A healthy and hot breakfast,
• A place free from drug activity, violence, exploitation, and economic predators
• A healthy community to live in filled with love, encouragement, guidance, friends and “family”
• A time to worship, pray and be taught biblical principles and that Jesus loves them and God has a plan for their lives.
Opportunities for Involvement:
• Volunteer to serve breakfast with VCC one Saturday a month
• Assist with special events
• Pray for Mike, Julia and their team and for the students they serve
Hope Walks – Freedom From Clubfoot
“. . . more than 170,000 children [are] born each year with a birth defect called clubfoot. Without treatment, these children will be unable to walk. Fortunately, unlike many other birth defects, clubfoot can be treated and corrected with simple casts and braces. A few hundred dollars means the difference between a life begging on the streets and a life of hope.” Scott Reichenbach, Hope Walks President.
Hope Walks is the largest Christian provider of clubfoot care in Latin America and Africa. It establishes partnerships with existing medical systems in each country and provides training on the Ponseti method of treatment. This process uses a series of casts over several weeks to correct the feet, and braces to maintain the correction up until the age of five. The overall mission of Hope Walks is to share the love of Christ and the gospel in everything they do. This ministry pairs quality clubfoot treatment with compassionate care from clubfoot clinic parent advisors, while empowering local healthcare workers and educating parents and caregivers.
For more information, visit https://www.hopewalks.org
Opportunities for Involvement:
– Prayer
– Paint clubfoot abduction braces (individually or as a small group)
Navigators (Eagle Lake Camps) – Ryan & Allaryn Putnam
The Navigators is a ministry that shares the gospel of Jesus and helps people grow in their relationship with Him through Life-to-Life® discipleship, creating spiritual generations of believers. Since its founding in 1933, The Navigators has upheld the mission “to know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same®.” Watch the video below and read on to learn more about our ministry efforts around the globe.
The Navigators is focused on developing disciples person-by-person-by-person and encouraging spiritual growth across life stages. A disciple is someone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, intentionally learns from Him, and strives to live more like Him. Discipleship means intentionally helping people learn from and live more like Christ by praying with them, spending time together in His Word, walking alongside them in everyday life, and equipping them to do the same with others. God is transforming lives through these spiritual generations.
To share the gospel and disciple all people in all places, The Navigators includes a wide variety of ministries and a broad family of missionaries, supporters, and volunteers. The Navigators reaches and disciples people in need of the gospel where they work, live, worship, and play: on college campuses and military bases, in inner cities, workplaces, churches, and local communities, and in hard to reach places.
For more info, see https://www.navigators.org
Opportunities for Involvement:
Pray for:
– Ryan and Allaryn as they have entered this new season of parenthood!
– Reliance on the Lord as they recruit for the summer programs
SIM – Dan Hough
As a Youth Champion for Rural Paraguay since 2006, Dan, with the support of his wife Sarah and six children, is encouraging, equipping and training up youth leaders at church plant sites in the heart of South America to reach the next generation for Christ. This is Dan’s passion, through God’s leading, and the core of his ministry.
Dan travels long distances to meet with Paraguayan youth leaders who may lack vision or experience. He encourages them to rely upon the Holy Spirit to use them and their gifts to carrier out their own ministries.
Dan also develops and runs Youth Camps, in addition to investing in missionary kids (MKs) though a youth ministry for Third Culture Kids (3CK). MKs grow up in a wonderful, yet challenging environment, often in isolated area with their parents. 3CKamps provide them an opportunity to connect with other kids who, despite their diversities, are like them.
You can follow Dan, his family and ministry at www.houghlife.com . From there you can subscribe to and follow ‘Hough’s Life’ by email.
Prayer Needs:
For God to protect, strengthen and sustain Dan and his family.
That God would continue to grow the youth ministries and provide the necessary funding that is needed to sustain the camps.
For God to continue to build relationships between Dan and the youth leaders. And, to remind them, when the pace of life becomes too fast, of the joy that comes out of serving.
Ugandan Water Project
“The Ugandan Water Project exists to see Uganda as a nation liberated from the bondage of water-borne disease and poverty as communities leverage the transformative power of clean water to empower all people to live the lives they were created for.”
Clean water is key to ending poverty, but nearly 1 in 5 people across Uganda faces severe water shortages and half must walk more than 30 minutes to reach a protected water source.
Ugandan Water Project saves lives and glorifies God by installing rainwater collection tanks, drilling/repairing wells, and providing water filtration systems, and/or handwashing stations in schools, churches, and communities to end Uganda’s water crisis once and for all.
No one should ever be without clean water and we are so grateful that Victor Community Church can join UWP in this mission.
Opportunities for involvement:
– Prayer
– Participate in UWP’s Annual 5K Fundraiser
– Join The River and be a monthly supporter
– Sponsor a project (Rainwater Collection System; Borehole Well Rehabilitation; Hollow Fiber Membrane Water Filter; or Portable Hand Washing Stand)
– Volunteer at the UWP office in Lima and/or for their annual envelope stuffing event
For more information, visit: https://ugandanwaterproject.com
Or email: info@ugandanwaterproject.com
Young Life – Eric & Megan Wachob
Megan, Eric, and Tucker Wachob
Young Life is a youth ministry for middle school, high school and college students that is present in all 50 states and over 100 countries. Young Life doesn’t start with a fun program: it starts with a caring adult investing in lives of teenagers. Our mission is to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and to help them grow in their faith. We do this by showing up in their lives and going where they are. You will see YL leaders at sport practices, sitting near the student section at games, musical performance, coffee shops and basketball courts. We believe that kids don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. So, we build deep relationships and trust while we learn more about their lives and share Jesus’ life.
Eric and Megan Wachob live in Victor and have been leading Young Life for high school students for 10 years. “We feel called to serve the Victor/Farmington area and have a desire to reach kids that desperately need the hope only Jesus can bring. Our prayer is that they will one day join us on Sunday mornings at Victor Community Church worshiping the Lord.”
Outside of Young Life Eric works as a teacher aide in the Victor Senior High, assisting students with special needs. “This is a great avenue to meet and support students in ways other than YL. Most kids that come to Young Life for the first time recognize me and my family which is a great way to build trusting relationships.”
Victor YL currently meets on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8pm. The location and activities change from week to week. Any high school student is welcome to join us. Contact Eric at 585-330-1251 ericwachob@gmail.com. For more info, visit https://rochestereast.younglife.org/
Prayer and Praise:
We are overwhelmed by the support of our church. We couldn’t do our ministry without you and we are so proud to call VCC our home. Thank you for investing in us as we invest in the next generation.
“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ”
Colossians 4:2-3